MERN eCommerce From Scratch

Udemy MERN eCommerce From Scratch

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  • You should know modern JS fundamentals and the basics of React

There are a lot of "eCommerce" courses out there, but most use some kind of prebuilt plugin or platform. In this course, we will build a completely customized eCommerce / shopping cart application from scratch with the MERN stack with the following functionality...
  • Full featured shopping cart
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Top products carousel
  • Product pagination
  • Product search feature
  • User profile with orders
  • Admin product management
  • Admin user management
  • Admin Order details page
  • Mark orders as delivered option
  • Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
  • PayPal / credit card integration
  • Custom database seeder script

This is not a documentation-type course. This is a jump in and get your hands dirty course where by the end, you have an actual real-world project to use and put on your portfolio. You will learn the following by completing this course..
  • React with Functional Components & Hooks
  • React router
  • React-Bootstrap UI library
  • How to structure components
  • Component level state & props
  • Managing global state with Redux (Actions & Reducers)
  • Using Redux state in components (useDispatch & useSelector)
  • Creating an extensive back end with Express
  • Working with a MongoDB database and the Mongoose ODM
  • JWT authentication (JSON web tokens)
  • Creating custom authentication middleware
  • Custom error handler
  • Integrating the PayPal API
  • Environment variables
  • Project deployment
  • Much more!
Who this course is for:
  • Full stack web developers that want to learn MERN by building a real-world app.
First release
Last update
4.43 star(s) 7 ratings

Latest updates

  1. New Update

    Course Updated 2-2022Link Fixed
  2. Broken Link Fixed

    Link Provided By @jpyo004Old Link Expired, & Jpy uploaded a New resource since a copy is...

Latest reviews

Good content
Thanks for sharing the resource.
But I have to say the code quality of project is terrible.
Both Front-end and Back-end are awful.
Lots of things didn't get refactored, and didn't have any basic testing, but leaving lots of corner case to students.
Finally you'll finish a dirty code, bugs everywhere, and not production ready project.
I won't recommend this course if you have the ability to refactor both whole Front and Back end.
Best courses to learn about MERN Shop
Thank you kindly!
Woah, thank you so much for sharing this out. Excellent Course
Wow, this is awesome. This Course just came out yesterday and here it already. Thanks man! But thing to be noted Traversy media is a great guy and recently he is not feeling well he did this course just after he got well therefore.. Please consider buying the course if it is useful for you guys.. That's expertly I'm going to do! of Couse HAPPY LEARNING!!
Thanks for kind words bro. So please guys if anyone who is affordable, consider buying from Udemy, it’s being available at very cheap price.