
  1. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — Larastan - Catch Bugs with Static Analysis

    Whether you are starting a new project or taking over an existing project - one question will always come up: "How do I improve code quality?".This question is as old as time itself. The answer could be as simple as "write better code" but in reality - it's not that simple. That's why you...
  2. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Build A Static File Blog with Laravel

    Let's build a ridiculously fast blog from scratch in Laravel, entirely driven by markdown files. No database required!Your blog will feature everything you're used to, like syntax highlighting, post tagging and pagination. Plus, it'll render in record time (20ms or less).Once you're done...
  3. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — React.js Client Parking App - Step-by-Step

    This is a step-by-step course on how to create a React.js application for the existing separate Laravel-based API. The example Parking API is taken from the course Build Laravel API for Car Parking App: Step-By-Step, in this follow-up course we're creating a front-end React app.Notice: This is...
  4. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Eloquent Relationships By Example

    Eloquent is Laravel's ORM (Object Relational Mapper). In simple terms, it's how your models work with the database. The good news? There's a bunch of powerful relationship types available. Our task is to learn when and where to use each one.In this course, we'll cover each basic relationship...
  5. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — [Mini-Course] Laravel Pennant Overview

    Laravel Pennant is a new package released with Laravel 10, to manage so-called feature flags.In this short video course, I will show you what are those flags, how Pennant works, what are its use-cases, and what features it has.All with practical examples, and the repository is available on...
  6. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Translations with Laravel and Inertia

    Localization is a breeze in Laravel applications, but what happens when you need to bring this to the client-side? Turns out in Inertia, it's pretty simple.In this course, we'll build a language switcher, share translations with the client, and build a simple translation helper for Vue to use...
  7. phpdai

    Laracasts — Demystify Laravel's Magic

    In this series, we'll demystify much of Laravel's magic for developers who may not understand how all the pieces fit together behind the scenes. We'll cover a variety of confusing topics, like providers, facades, contracts, and more.
  8. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Learn Inertia

    Single-page applications are great, but they come with the challenge of maintaining two separate projects — the client and the API.Inertia serves as the solution, seamlessly connecting these two components and enabling you to build everything in one application (a monolith) while achieving the...
  9. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — Practical Livewire - Order Management System Step-by-Step

    In this text-based course, we will create a real project to manage orders/products/categories with Laravel and add a lot of dynamic features with Laravel Livewire.Step by step, we will create three menu items: Categories, Products, and then Orders. Here are a few screenshots from the...
  10. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Build a Forum with Inertia and Laravel

    About this course Ready to build a forum with Inertia and Laravel? Why a forum? A forum touches a whole load of concepts that you'll use throughout your development career – particularly on the client-side, where we'll be doing most of the heavy lifting. So, let's build a clean, modern forum...
  11. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — How to Create Laravel Package - Step-by-Step Example

    About this courseCreating a Laravel package may be a good option if you want to re-use some functionality in a few of your own projects, and also share that with the world, for other developers to benefit. For example, you've created a visual Permission Editor adminpanel as an extension of a...
  12. phpdai

    Laracasts — Servers for Laravel

    In this series, we'll learn, from scratch, how to provision servers to run Laravel applications. We'll begin with the core elements for any VPS, and then work our way up to installing and configuring the necessary software to securely run your Laravel applications.
  13. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — Build Laravel API for Car Parking App - Step-By-Step

    These days, Laravel is widely used for API projects, every developer needs to know how to create this type of project, with no visual layer, for usage by a front-end client or a mobile app.In this text-form course, we will create a real-life API for a car parking application.Step by step, we...
  14. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — Deploy Laravel Project to AWS EC2 - Step-By-Step

    Many of Laravel jobs will mention AWS (Amazon Web Services) as a requirement. In my research, this number was at about 40-50%.Of course, the whole AWS ecosystem is huge, with a lot of tools, but the very foundation for beginners, in my opinion, is to set up a server and deploy a Laravel...
  15. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Installing Inertia from Scratch

    The Laravel ecosystem gives us packages like Laravel Breeze and Jetstream which come ready set up with Inertia installed. But what if you want to install Inertia from scratch and build your own features on top of it?In this course, whether you're new to Inertia or not, we'll be covering...
  16. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Passwordless Authentication with Laravel 2023

    Say goodbye to the traditional email/password flow and implement passwordless authentication with Laravel! In this course, we'll cover sending a secure link via email to allow users to sign in seamlessly. Oh, and we'll cover the entire registration process too.Use it on its own, or combine it...
  17. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — Advanced Laravel Testing

    This course is a follow-up to the previous Laravel Testing for Beginners, but this one is for more experienced developers.If you have written some Feature/Unit tests successfully, but want to get deeper into specific situations and how to test it, this course will cover:20+ various useful...
  18. phpdai

    Udemy Code With Dary - Mastering Laravel 10 Query Builder, Eloquent & Relationships

    This guide covers Laravel's database configuration, Migrations, Seeders, Factories, and the Query Builder. It teaches how to use the Query Builder for CRUD operations, construct SQL queries, and build complex queries with conditional logic and dynamic filters. Additionally, it covers Eloquent...
  19. phpdai

    CodeCourse — Build a File Marketplace with Laravel 2023

    Build a marketplace where sellers can list and sell files, while we take a cut of each sale using Stripe Connect.We'll cover onboarding users with Stripe Connect, creating products and uploading files, payments, and delivering purchased files to your customers.Here's everything we'll cover...
  20. phpdai

    Laravel Daily — Laravel Collections Chains - 15 Real Examples

    About this course Collections in Laravel are "hidden gems": everyone has heard of them, but not everyone is using them or even knows how to use them.Especially they are effective when performing multiple operations with data - so-called "chains", and this course is specifically about that...