FrontendMasters - Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3

FrontendMasters - Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3

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Satoru Gojo

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2022
Satoru Gojo submitted a new resource:

FrontendMasters - Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v3 - If you've ever wondered what it means to stand up a server or what all those obscure terms like "loa

If you've ever wondered what it means to stand up a server or what all those obscure terms like "load balancer" or "reverse proxy" mean, this is the course for you. From understanding different types of databases to securing your web server, Jem Young will teach you the skills needed to work across the stack. Taught from the perspective of a fellow Frontend Engineer, this course gives the tools and knowledge to build a working web application...

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