Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton - 123 Profit

WSO Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton - 123 Profit

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The conversion rates are OFF THE CHARTS

We spoke about this a little earlier, but one of the massive differences here is that you convert A LOT more people than you do with regular affiliate marketing. For instance, if you were promoting an ebook on golf let’s say, it converted at 3% and you got $15 in commissions per sale. For every 100 clicks, you make 3 sales x $15 = $45. With this system, you could be promoting a weight loss offer with a 20% conversion rate and a $50 commission per conversion. For the same 100 clicks, you make 20 sales x $50 = $1000. $45 vs $1000 – it’s a massive difference.

To begin with, you take advantage of a highly-effective source of cheap trafficto reach people who are looking for the exact offers that you are promoting. Then when it comes to scaling up, you use secret sources of traffic (both paid AND free) that deliver instant traction and conversions.

If you’ve done any sort of affiliate marketing before, you may know that one of the downsides is that you need to create a lot of content. You know the type of thing… In depth product reviews, comparisons and so forth which can be time consuming (or) expensive to outsource. With this model you hardly need to create any written content… only a handful of words, if any at all… and most of the time NONE at all.

You are building a VALUABLE ASSET
One of the big advantages here is that even though you are generating leads for other companies, YOU are also capturing their details as well (quite legitimately). Not only does this mean you can follow up with them, sell them other offers and boost your income… it ALSO means you are building YOUR OWN list, and therefore creating a real business with potentially huge value that could be sold on for a lump sum later.

You could get very RAPID RESULTS
There is no digital content creation involved here. You can pinpoint an offer, throw your landing page online and start driving traffic in as little as 60 minutes… maybe even less. This means you could start seeing results exceptionally fast.

As this system requires very little time to start, and as little as 5 to 10 hours a week to run, depending on how fast you want to hit the ground running, you can continue to work your day-job or current online business (if you want to). You don’t have to modify your life or give anything up at all.

The 123 Profit Training Program that reveals how we generate thousands of dollars per day, and how those willing to take action could use the same system to go from ZERO… to $500/day… to $1000/day (and beyond) …then keep scaling up from there!

Let’s run through the EIGHT components of the 123 Profit training to show you how this all comes together and how YOU can take advantage of this incredible system…

The first component of the 123 Profit training is “Mission Control”… your dedicated, private members area.

The members area contains a series of 100+ clear and concise step-by-step videos that’ll show you exactly how to get set up and running with this system, even if you don’t have any prior experience.

The actual value of what you’ll receive here is huge and I could spend hours going through all the details of what’s included… but for now, here’s a top level overview…

The videos cover each step of the process in precise detail and we’ll also hand you a large number of strategy manuals, process maps and other content that you can refer to as you watch and learn.
We cover literally everything… from getting started, to picking offers, to building your web pages, getting traffic…then how to hit your first sales and how to scale up from 4 to 5, even 6-figures per month.
The training will be delivered directly by me and my team of experts, all of whom have successful businesses in this field… and it will be truly comprehensive.

Along with these videos, your Mission Control area will contain the recordings of the live sessions we’ll do (more on this in a second…)

…and you’ll also be able to access all the software, tools and support features from here as well.

This is literally just scratching the surface of what you will receive within Mission Control.. The training you’ll receive will be truly world-class.

Over the past decade we’ve taught tens of thousands of people how to build successful online businesses and one of the key predictors of success is if someone has direct access to myself and my team… In other words, if they have the ability to ask us questions at key stages as they build their online empire.

Having the ability to be able to chat and communicate with us directly is so critical… And that is why we are going to be holding MULTIPLE LIVE SESSIONS every single week as you progress through the training, so you can push forward and build up your business as quickly as possible.

Here are some more precise details and a taste of how this is going to work…

Firstly, we will be holding a live webinar each week where we’ll be presenting the core step that is the focus of that particular week. It will be super-detailed and we’ll also give you a series of action-steps, milestones and checkpoints that’ll allow you to successfully complete it.
There will be an extensive Q&A at the end of this webinar in case you have any questions… although do note that if you need any additional clarification you can always refer back to the core videos in your Mission Control area – and use our support network.
In addition to the live webinar, we’ll be holding MULTIPLE live Zoom calls each week which will also have live interaction and chat. You can hop on and ask us questions if you are stuck, and we’ll do our best to give you detailed analysis and advice on what to do and how to move forward.

Plus, these Zoom calls will also contain additional training, powerful and inspiring case-studies and much more.

All these live sessions will be held at a variety of times, so there will be a time that you can join no matter where you are in the world. …and like I mentioned, the recordings will be posted to your Mission Control area soon after the session has finished.

Basically, you’re going to get a MASSIVE boost by taking advantage of our experience, expertise and infrastructure with the EXACT same systems and techniques that WE use to generate thousands of dollars on a daily basis in our own business.

Now this is where it gets really exciting!

As you may know, having a real-life case-study to refer to as you are building your business is extremely useful (to say the least) and we are going to hand you something that we KNOW will accelerate the success of your business at lightning speed.

You’re going to get access to a case-study document (and an additional video series) that shows you EXACTLY how we generated $50,681 in just 50 days using this incredible system.

And when I say exactly… I really mean it.

Literally EVERYTHING will be revealed with no stone unturned.

And do you know what the most exciting part of this is…?

You can get access to the DOCUMENT part of the case-study in literally 60 seconds from now.

That’s right… as soon as you join us today, register your account and log into your Mission Control area, you will see the secret document right there in front of you…with EVERYTHING revealed inside.

The video series which will accompany this document will be released as we progress with the training, but you WILL get all the insider-information straight away… like RIGHT NOW.

Put it this way, if you ever wanted a sneak-peek into a million dollar online business… this is basically as good as it gets!

Satoru Gojo
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