Coding Blocks - C++ Standard Template Library

Coding Blocks - C++ Standard Template Library

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C++ STL is the ultimate offering to master all Standard Template Library Concepts in a short time. This course is designed to teach you all STL Concepts such as Algorithms, Containers, Templates and advanced concepts like Comparators, Functors, Iterators in short time. The course contains over 60 video lectures by our programming expert mentor Prateek Bhayia, and over 20 problems to be solved using STL only. STL is the most important topic to ace online coding interview questions as you can save a lot of time by using the STL functions, and avoid complex implementations of underlying data structures such as set, hash-table, linked list etc. Any one who has knowledge of basic data structures and C++ fundamentals can join the course and take their programming skills to the next level.
Course Highlights
Generic Programmimng
Template Classes & Iterators
Vectors, Stacks & Queue
Lists, Forward Lists
Priority Queue/Heaps
Graph Implementation
Maps, Multimaps, Unordered Maps
Sets, Mutisets
Policy Based Data Structures
Problem Solving
Expert Doubt Support for 6 months(only for Premium version)
First release
Last update
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