CodingWithMitch - Real-time Chat Messenger

CodingWithMitch - Real-time Chat Messenger

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Course Objective​

Build a real-time chat website from the ground up using Django Channels and Websockets.
Check out the website you're going to build: I pushed it to production so you can see what you'll be learning beforehand.


  1. User Management
    1. Registration
    2. Login
    3. Logout
    4. Forgot Password
    5. Change Password
    6. View accounts
    7. Update account properties
    8. Search for other users
  2. Friend System
    1. Send friend requests
    2. Accept friend requests
    3. Decline friend requests
    4. Cancel friend requests
    5. Remove Friends
  3. Public Chatroom
    • Build a public chatroom where any authenticated user can chat. (Django Channels & WebSockets)
  4. Private Chatroom
    • Have 1-on-1 conversations with friends. (Django Channels and WebSockets)
  5. Notifications
    • Real-time notifications for things like:
      1. Friend requests (Can accept / decline from the notification)
      2. Private chat messages
  6. Push to Production
    1. Purchase a domain
    2. Host the website on Digital Ocean
      • There's a lot more involved here than hosting a regular website. We have Redis configuration and Daphne for the sockets.

High-level Topics​

  1. Javascript basics
  2. Image cropping with Python and Javacript
  3. CSS basics
  4. Javascript WebSockets
  5. Django Channels 2
  6. Asychronously talk to server backend through javascript
  7. Dynamically close and open new sockets on the same page
  8. Asynchronously load images with Javascript (while showing a default image)
  9. Custom user authentication with django

Target Audience​

This is meant to be almost a beginner course. I expect you to have some knowledge of web development (html & css) and python. But if you know absolutely nothing you should still be able to keep up. I do everything on camera so you can just follow along and you should be fine. If you have issues I recommend becoming a member so you can join the community discord channel and ask questions.
Satoru Gojo
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