[Ebook] ByteByteGo - System Design Interview by Alex Xu

[Ebook] ByteByteGo - System Design Interview by Alex Xu

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Great!, thank you
It's missing chapter 2 - Scale from zero to millions of users
Thank you so much, for providing such amazing books.
10/10 content, you will not find a better resource for system design elsewhere, including the 2 educative system design courses. The first half of this download is the volume 1 of the book which is great for beginners. The volume 2 starts at chapter 17 and the volume 2 is wayyyy more detailed than volume 1. Volume 2 basically became a full blown practical version of the famous DDIA/Designing Data Intensive Applications book by Martin Kleppmann, along with a ton of reference materials. Volume 2 is a must read even if you're not looking to prep for system design interviews, it will improve you as a dev.

Volume 2 is in-depth and written in a way that it follows the system design approach written about in the SRE books released by Google (https://sre.google/books/), there is no other system design resource I know of that does it.
could not have explained it any better than @renderer. top notch resource, many thanks for the up.
Great resource. Thanks a ton for the upload.
excellent book for system design
Not able to download - please someone help is possible
Good one
This is volume 1 not volume 2.
everything is present first complete full pdf
Thank You very much
Good one.
Good resource
Can't download despite liking the post
Not good