
  1. tourist

    [Ebook] Modern redux: Learn redux toolkit and the new redux best practices

    Modern redux is a joy to work with, efficient, and without all the boilerplate you hate.Chapter 1: What is Redux Toolkit, and why use it? - Introduction - What is Redux Toolkit (RTK)? - The problems Redux toolkit tries to solveChapter 2: Building your first Redux Toolkit...
  2. D

    Udemy The Ultimate React Course 2023: React, Redux & More

    * Just launched in June 2023! ** Take this course after taking my #1 bestselling JavaScript course (750,000+ students) *In 2023, React is still the #1 skill to learn if you want to become a successful front-end developer!But it can be hard. There are so many moving parts, so many...
  3. localhost

    Udemy React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)

    What you'll learnBuild powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps Provide amazing user experiences by leveraging the power of JavaScript with ease Apply for high-paid jobs or work as a freelancer in one the most-demanded sectors you can find in web dev right now Learn React Hooks &...
  4. ciboga

    Udemy What is Redux? with Simple Analogy and Coding Practice

    What you'll learn What Is Redux? with Analogy & Mapping the analogy with Code with ReduxRequirements Little bit understanding about React Description Basically, this course is intended to give you idea about Redux which cause headache to a newbie. In this course we will discuss about Redux...
  5. localhost

    Udemy Build an app with React, Redux and Firestore from scratch

    What you'll learnStudents will be able to create an application using React, Redux and Firestore by the end of this course. Students will improve their javascript skills by taking this courseRequirementsStudents should be familiar with HTML, CSS and Javascript A computer with either...
  6. TUTProfessor

    Udemy ZeroToMastery - Complete React Developer in 2023 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL)

    Become a Senior React Developer! Build a massive E-commerce app with Redux, Hooks, GraphQL, ContextAPI, Stripe, FirebaseWhat you'll learnBuild enterprise level React applications and deploy to production Learn to build reactive, performant, large scale applications like a senior developer...
  7. localhost

    [CodewithMosh] The Ultimate Redux Course

    Learn to build modern apps Redux is the most popular state management library for JavaScript apps. It's mostly used with React but it's also becoming popular in Angular, Ember and Vue communities.Despite being a small library with a small footprint, a lot of developers find Redux...
  8. Random Guy

    Udemy Advanced React and Redux - Stephen Grider

    Advanced React and Redux Walkthroughs on advanced React v16.6.3 and Redux v4.0.0 - Authentication, Testing, Middlewares, HOC's, and Deployment Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (9,478 ratings) 67,110 students Created by Stephen Grider Course content 1. Welcome! Let's Get Started! 2. Testing 3. Higher-Order...
  9. fournotfour

    [developedbyed] The Creative React and Redux Course

    Build 3 Awesome Web Applications With React! Learn React From Absolute Scratch Learn 3 Creative Projects To Add To Your Portofolio! Learn To Create Amazing Web Applications With React Today! This course will teach you everything you need to know about React. Get started now with 0 experience in...
  10. Limbonite

    UI.DEV - React Redux

    UI.DEV - React Reduxlearn Redux? Here are some common approachesRandom Blogs It's not that blog posts are bad, it's that finding and piecing together unrelated yet up to date posts that form a linear, cohesive path to learning complex technical topics is hard. Youtube Videos It's...